Arduino Project #7: Android Arduino Speech recognition app.

 Android Arduino Speech recognition app.  

In this tutorial you will know how to create a speech recognition app that will convert your speech to text and send command to your arduino and do certain task that matches your command, you don't have any control over the speech to text conversion process, it is entirely depend on the google speech to text conversion engine, we will be making use of the speech to conversion process in this app, when the process of getting converting the text is over we will be sending the converted command to Arduino. You also need internet connectivity to do this process because google speech to conversion engine depends on Internet connectivity to do this you cannot do this process offline, you need to be connected with internet when following and working this tutorial. once you complete this app you can use this for many applications including Home Automation, Controlling a Bluetooth robot, sending voice command to do a process there are many possibilities with this application. The same hardware what you have created previous tutorial is enough for this tutorial you don't need to change your hardware connection to make this work. keep your hardware same connect this app to your arduino and start to send your command.

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