How to Download and install Circuit Wizard software on a PC

 Download NWC Circuit Wizard Educational Edition - v1.50 Free

Circuit Wizard is a electronics circuit design and PCB design software. This is a useful circuit simulator for beginners, students and teachers who want to learn or teach basic electronics circuit design. With its virtual laboratory capability electronics components can be dragged from the library and placed on the breadboard to create the electronics circuit. Then the circuit can be simulated to view the circuit in action in real time. As an example a circuit with a switch and LED can be placed and supplied by battery and when the simulation is run the LED will glow. 

This software is useful because it allows students and beginners to learn electronics circuit design and simulation, PCB design and simulation. It is also useful for teachers to teach them how electronics circuit is build, how components are fit together, how the parts are connected to each other, how a pcb is designed from the schematic, how to use the various measurement tools and how to connect them to the parts ends. This is all due to Circuit Wizard's powerful virtual electronics lab.

Furthermore, NWC Circuit Wizard has virtual measurement instruments such as multimeter, oscilloscopes which can be connected to the circuit and values can be read from the instruments and the current flow in the PCB circuit can be directly read from the graph.

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